Jan 4, 2023 | General
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Jan 4, 2023 | General
If you are a filmmaker, especially an independent filmmaker who edits your own films, you know getting your film from the end of production to the big screen can be a bit of a challenge. There is a saying that “Post is where films go to die”. This can potentially be...
Jan 4, 2023 | General
WATCH THE FILM HERE First, the Recap: Myths and legends. Stories are often passed down through the ages, from generation to generation, rich in the cultural traditions of those whom the tales originated from, and likewise rich in the life lessons they teach. Noni...
Jan 4, 2023 | General
As creatives, we are all too often asked to volunteer our time and resources for free. Film and music people are notoriously known for being expected to give their time for nothing more than recognition and a thank you. As a musician and a filmmaker I have worked at...
Jan 4, 2023 | General
One of the challenges I face as a producer is the fear of rejection. Being afraid to ask for something because someone might say “no” is probably not high on the list of desirable things you want in a top-notch producer! So how do I deal with this part of my psyche?...